
Had a great day today at Hawk Farms. We offered local 4-H kids to bring their horses to our Indoor and Outdoor Versatility course we set up for Equine Affair practice. Had several people come off and on throughout the day, but finally remembered to video this group of Stark County 4-H kids have a fun time on their horses....

If you are in one of the local 4-H clubs, Wayne, Stark, Summit or Tusc... Reach out to your advisers about a last-minute opportunity at Hawk Farms, "Sidney Hawk Equine". There are a very limited number of spaces available. Ten on Saturday and ten on Sunday, Easter day.
Have your advisor reach out to Sidney personally for details.

Friday April 12th, 2024 will be the Versatile Horse and Rider competition at Equine Affair in Columbus. Twenty-Five riders from around the country have been chosen to compete in a high stake's competition of Versatility. Sidney and Tj are one of the those 25.
Sidney has been very busy working on colt breaking at the University of Findlay this...

Sidney's Sophomore year at University of Findlay is all about breaking out colts. The second semester, Sidney decided to break out a colt of her own as the project. Along came Zara, A Tj look alike, she is just the sweetest little horse.
Zara is now 45 days under saddle, a two-year-old with Reining genetics. She has gone from...

This weekend the NRHA - IHSA Western Semi-Final was held at the University of Findlay. Sidney pulled off a first place ride with an amazing reining pattern, cementing the position for her Findlay Team to be represent at Nationals in North Carolina first week in May.
Sidney finished her season securing a position as High Point competitor over the...

Better late than never! Hello, my name is Sidney Hawk! I am 20 years old and I attend the University of Findlay. I am a double major in Equine Western Training and Equine Business Management with a Minor in Marketing. I'm from Massillon Ohio and have been riding horses since I was around five years old. I started out...

Today March 10. 2024, Regionals were held for IHSA. The First-place winner of the reining competition was Sidney Hawk. This win puts her one step closer to another class she can compete in at Nationals to be held in Noth Carolina. One more competition to be held in two weeks, semifinals.

Exciting news today... Sidney just got informed that her and Tj, Smok'n Silverado have been chosen as one of the participants of the 2024, Versatile Horse and Rider competition at Equine Affair in Columbus, Ohio.

Come cheer her on Friday April 12th, 2024 at the Ohio Expo Center at 1:30

Thanks to some assistance from some great friends, the dirt retaining wall that will create the walking path around the outside perimeter of the arena has been installed. Soon the guard rails and the landscaping of area will be started.

The IHSA 2023-24 season has ended. Those who qualified with enough points will now move on to compete at the reserve level. One girl was named overall, Season High Point winner, her reward for this accomplishment is to immediately qualify for Nationals. Congratulations sophomore Sidney Hawk, University of Findlay open rider for a great season,...